MBFW Berlin S/S 16

Die Berliner Fashion Week ist nun vorbei und nach dieser Woche voller schöner Models, inspirierenden Kollektionen und schmerzenden Füßen, zeige ich euch heute meiner Favoriten, sowie Bilder die ich während diverse Shows und Installationen während der MBFW Berlin aufgenommen habe.

Spring/Summer 2016 wird definitiv spannend, altbekanntes Farbschema, von Sorbet- sowie Pastell Farben gab es auch wie immer einige Trendfarben, die bei vielen Kollektionen wiederzufinden waren. Grün steht vor allem in Kombination mit Weiß, Nude oder Blau ganz weit im Vordergrund wie beispielsweise sehr gut bei Marina Hoermanseder oder Hien Le, welche im Kronprinzenpalais im Rahmen des Berliner Modesalons zeigten, zu sehen waren.

Meine Favoriten diese Saison waren neben den Finalisten der Designer for Tomorrow Show, welche eine unglaublich große Auswahl an kreativen, innovativen aber auch (zum größten Teil) tragbaren Kollektionen zeigten, auch meinen all-time Lieblingsdesigner Hien Le, Vladimir Karaleev, Augustin Teboul und SADAK. Alle vier Designer unterscheiden sich grundlegend und das finde ich so spannend, denn genauso identifiziert sich Berlin und deren Designer.
Hien Le besticht durch weiche Farben und Tragbarkeit. Transparenz und hochwertige Stoffe sowie da Gefühl von Ausgelassenheit und Freude waren bei der Kollektionspräsentation vorrangig, welches nicht nur durch die bunt gemischte Playlist (von 50’s „Candy Shop“ bis, „King Kunta“ und Taylor Swift’s „Shake It Off“) unterstrichen wurde.
Vladimir Karaleev, mein absoluter Liebling im Berliner Modesalon, blieb seinem Stil treu und mischte dunkle Farben wie schwarz, blau und grau mit weichen Tönen von Apricot, Flieder bis hinzu Creme. Materialmix (Seide, schwere Baumwolle sowie Jacquard), Layerings und offene Säume, typisch für Karaleev, gaben den Models eine selbstverständliche Gelassenheit. Die Models trugen zudem flache Schuhe, standen lässig auf den Podesten und genauso würde ich die Kollektion auch gerne tragen. Applaus für Karaleev, unkonventionell und inspirierend wie immer!
Augustin Teboul ist wohl, wenn es um meine Lieblingsfarbe Schwarz geht, die Adresse. Die Installation fand in einer Galerie statt und die Models konnten sich frei bewegen. Vor allem das Styling der Haare sowie das dramatische Augen Make-up unterstrichen die freche und verführerische Kollektion der zwei Designerinnen. Punkte, Strick, Seide, Spitze Transparenz und filigrane Stickereien, eine wie immer gelungene Kombination.
Die Überraschung der Fashion Week war SADAK. Anders als die anderen Designer auf der Fashion Week bestach SADAK vor allem mit einer unglaublich tollen Playlist, mit tollen Beats aus dem Hip Hop Bereich (ich sage nur BBHMM)! Die Kollektion vereinte glänzende Stoffe, Prints mit ausdrucksstarken und Models mit Ecken und Kanten. Diese Show hatte definitiv internationale Qualitäten und vor allem die Inspiration der heutigen digitalen Zeit in Kombination mit urbanen Einflüssen und Nah-Ost Ästhetik überzeugten mich durch und durch.
Auch Bobby Kolade sowie Annelie Schubert haben zudem unglaublich tolle Kollektionen gezeigt, leider habe ich die Shows verpasst, aber es gibt ja Gott sei Dank das allwissende und sehende Internet.

Genießt zudem mein Video von der Fashion Week Berlin, inklusiven tollen Einblicken von den jeweiligen Shows, die ich besucht habe. Habt ihr einige Favoriten diese Saison? Wenn ja, verratet es mir! Ich freu mich zudem über jeden neuen Abonnenten meines Youtube-Kanals sowie Daumen hoch! Love, Alice.

Follow Alice on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube!

English: Berlin Fashion Week is over and I am super happy to just stay at home and get some rest from all the beautiful models, collections and picture loading days. Here’s now a small review about all my favorite designers from MBFW Berlin, including young talents at the Designer for Tomorrow Award, hosted by Zac Posen. Since I recently graduated from my fashion design studies as well, I was very excited about the collections of the young talents from all over Europe. They were innovative, extraordinary with political statements and most of all, wearable. Besides these young talents, I loved the collections of my all time favorite designers in Berlin: Augustin Teboul, Hien Le, Vladimir Karaleev, SADAK, Annelie Schubert and Bobby Kolade. They’re all totally different and I think this is just the way Berlin ist. Different, sometimes simple, like Hien Le, casual like Vladimir Karaleev, colorful like Bobby Kolade and urban like SADAK. I especially loved the layerings of Karaleev’s collection, which is definately one of my favorites for a long time. The great material mix of heavy cotton and jacquard with transparent silk makes me wanna wear everything exactly like he designed it. Whereas SADAK was on point when it comes to music (BBHMM!) and edgy cool models, wearing black burkas, palm prints on silky material and proof them wrong that Berlin can’t be cool. Or do you prefer more black, just like I do? So then take a look at Augustin Teboul, two lovely designers, combining knits, pearls, dots and lace in one outfit.
Now enjoy my latest FMA and insight into this glamorous week in Berlin, let me know what you think and if you like it, I would be more than happy about a thumb up! Love, Alice.


I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Marina Hoermanseder S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin
Marina Hoermanseder S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Marina Hoermanseder S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Marina Hoermanseder S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Marina Hoermanseder S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Marina Hoermanseder S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Marina Hoermanseder S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Marina Hoermanseder S/S 16 during MBFW BerlinI HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Mareike Massing I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Zac Posen

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Syed Shahid Nisar
Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Syed Shahid Nisar

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Syed Shahid Nisar I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Syed Shahid Nisar I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Syed Shahid Nisar I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Syed Shahid Nisar

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Matteo Lamandini
Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Matteo Lamandini

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Matteo Lamandini

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Mareike Massing
Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Mareike Massing
I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Nicolas Martin Garcia
Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Nicolas Martin Garcia

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Designer for Tomorrow S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Nicolas Martin Garcia

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin
Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Augustin Teboul S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Hien Le S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin
Hien Le S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Hien Le S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Hien Le S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Hien Le S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Hien Le S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Hien Le S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: VEKTOR S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin
VEKTOR S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: VEKTOR S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: VEKTOR S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: VEKTOR S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: VEKTOR S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: VEKTOR S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: VEKTOR S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Ivanman S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin
Ivanman S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Ivanman S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Ivanman S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Pearly Wong S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin
Pearly Wong S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Pearly Wong S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Pearly Wong S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Pearly Wong S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Sopupular S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin
Sopupular S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Pearly Wong S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Sopupular S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Vladimir Karaleev S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Berliner Modesalon
Vladimir Karaleev S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Berliner Modesalon

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Vladimir Karaleev S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Berliner Modesalon I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Vladimir Karaleev S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Berliner Modesalon I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Vladimir Karaleev S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Berliner Modesalon I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Vladimir Karaleev S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Berliner Modesalon I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Vladimir Karaleev S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Berliner Modesalon I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Vladimir Karaleev S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Berliner Modesalon I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Vladimir Karaleev S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Berliner Modesalon I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Vladimir Karaleev S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Berliner Modesalon I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Vladimir Karaleev S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Berliner Modesalon I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: Vladimir Karaleev S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin / Berliner Modesalon

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: SADAK S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin
SADAK S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: SADAK S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: SADAK S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: SADAK S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: SADAK S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: SADAK S/S 16 during MBFW BerlinI HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: SADAK S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin IHEARTALICE_BerlinFashionWeek_SADAK_SS16_01 I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: SADAK S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin I HEART ALICE – Fashionblog from Berlin/Germany: SADAK S/S 16 during MBFW Berlin

Photo: I heart Alice


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