Karl Lagerfeld: Modemethode / Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn

Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition

Karl Lagerfeld. Modeschöpfer, Fotograf, Kostümbildner, Werbegesicht, kreativer Kopf und eines vor allem: Ikone. Viele junge Modedesign-Studenten nehmen seine Laufbahn sowie Karriere, Wille und Kreativität als Vorbild – zurecht! Für den Launch der neuen Karl Lagerfeld Watches, unter dem Hashtag #watchkarl, kamen einige Blogger aus ganz Deutschland nach Bonn um sich in einer Privatrundführung der Ausstellung „Karl Lagerfeld. Modemethode“ sowie einem exklusiven Event in der Bundeskunsthalle inspirieren zulassen.

Die Ausstellung wurde wie eine Autobiografie des großen Schöpfers aufgebaut und führt von seinen Anfängen, wie z. B. den gelben Mantel, mit dem er seinen ersten Preis gewonnen hat, bis hin zu seinen Kollektionen von Fendi, Chloé, Karl Lagerfeld und natürlich auch Chanel. 120 Looks, von Prét-à-Porter bis Haute Couture, wurden allein für die Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition zusammengestellt und ergeben im Großen und Ganzen einen wahren Kosmos um den Ausnahmedesigner Karl Lagerfeld.

Die Ausstellung selber ist leider nicht mehr zu sehen, dennoch habe ich hier einige exklusive Eindrücke festhalten können! Da das Fotografieren nur für Presseleute sowie uns Blogger freigegeben worden ist, gibt es hier nun meine Sichtweisen und Bilder der Ausstellung. Genießt es und lasst mich wissen, wie sie euch gefallen! Love, Alice.

Follow Alice on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube!

English: Karl Lagerfeld is one of the world’s most renowned fashion designers and widely celebrated as an icon of the zeitgeist. Karl Lagerfeld. Modemethode at the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany is the first comprehensive exhibition to explore the fashion cosmos of this exceptional designer and, with it, to present an important chapter of the fashion history of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. 120 looks, Prét-à-Porter to Haute Couture, from Fendi, Chloé, Karl Lagerfeld and for course Chanel were all gathered together in one huge fashion exhibition. Please enjoy this exclusive insight into this awesome Karl Lagerfeld cosmos as well as the pictures I took for you guys! Love, Alice.

Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition

IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event IHEARTALICE – Travel, Lifestyle & Fashion-Blog from Berlin/Germany by Alice M. Huynh: Karl Lagerfeld Modemethode Exhibition in Bonn at Bundeskunsthalle & Karl Lagerfeld #watchkarl Blogger-Event

Photo / Alice M. Huynh
*Thanks to Karl Lagerfeld for the invite!
*The opinions expressed here represent, as always, my own.

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